Let's Get Digital
Today’s forecast shows that there is a 100% chance that you’re reading this while you’re browsing online. There is also a strong probability that this won’t be the only time you will be spending online. You will likely be spending a total of 11 hours of your day reading, watching or interacting with media online. And that number is not the record high, if the trend continues, this number will only increase year by year.
But what does this have to do with digital? Actually, everything. Those 11 hours are 11 golden hours for brands and companies. Incorporating digital tactics into your marketing strategy should not be about “if there’s budget left”. It should be driving your budget and helping guide the rest of your marketing efforts. Every one of those hours is a golden opportunity for your brand to be discovered or top of mind for your target audience.
The great thing about digital is that it works, and it works for non-profits, for profit, political candidates and really any business model, and to fulfill any organizational goal. When done effectively and strategically, digital also helps you reach the right people with the right message at the right time. This not only means you’re reaching the people you want and need more strategically, it also means your conversion rates will not only be higher but more meaningful. And probably the most valuable component of digital is that you can track your customer’s virtual journey every step of the way giving you invaluable data for future campaigns.
So, you may be thinking, “I have a Facebook profile, I got this covered.” The reality is digital encompasses so much more than social media. To help your organization choose what tactic will meet your goals, here are the top five digital tactics:
1. Geo-Targeting – Targeting of the demographic based on identified specific geographical locations.
2. Keyword and Contextual Targeting – Targeting content and search with terms relevant to the campaign.
3. Social Media – Using social platforms to target your audience through ad campaigns to complement your organic posts.
4. Retargeting – Targeting users through ads who have previously interacted with your site or through their search engine behaviors
5. Video Pre-Roll – A pre-roll ad is a video advertisement that automatically plays directly before a featured video, on both mobile and desktop. These ads are commonly 15, 30, or 60 seconds long.
Stay at the forefront of your marketing strategy and don’t let your business get left behind. Work with an agency that are experts and specialize in digital marketing. Email us to find out more: info@thecolibricollective.com.