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Sierra for Arizona

The Colibri Collective makes a great impact when it comes to political campaigns. Our agency is proud of offering quality and innovative approaches to make any campaign stand out from the rest. While keeping Lorenzo Sierra’s values and commitment to Legislative District 19 in mind, our team focused on working on the refresh of the logo, a new website, and overall campaign asset designs. The purpose behind this was to offer a bright look that matches his efforts to make the Arizona community a place where culture and families can thrive.



Old Logo
New Logo
The first step was taking Sierra’s logo and updating it to offer him a new and improved identity that will be distinct and memorable. His logo was a good foundation, we took the traditional serif font building the wordmark and changed it to a modern san-serif typeface for a fresh appearance. The brandmark of the outlined Arizona state holding a star in its interior was refined to match the wordmark’s new look. The logo as a whole is more appealing and family-friendly. 
New Color Palette

The next step after the logo was created, was selecting the perfect color palette by reviewing Lorenzo Sierra’s mission and objectives. Overall, the brand’s six selected colors are brighter to bring a sense of promise and hope that reflects Sierra’s effort for Arizona’s progression. Lorenzo Sierra (LS) Blues are soothing colors that portray Sierra’s trustworthiness and loyalty. LS Orange depicts Sierra’s enthusiasm and determination for his community and the color resembles Arizona’s warm weather. LS Yellow evokes a sense of hope that anyone can embrace.

New Website

Once the logo and colors were established, this updated style was carried throughout all other branding assets used for the campaign. These pieces include a website, social media marketing, and email marketing. With our efforts, Lorenzo Sierra’s powerful and bold brand presence will be noticed among his district, city, and state. 

lorenzo sierra Website.png
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